For all those who read last weeks quick post you all should know that I went to NYCC last Saturday and man was it a good time. I got to meet a lot of cool people both art and gunpla related. I first stopped off at the BlueFin booth to drop off 3 of my models for a painting contest they were holding. After that I headed straight over to the ThreeA booth to enter the raffle to win one of the Ashley Woods killer Vinyl Toys (Limited Press Zombie). Those were my main objectives, I spent the time between waiting for the judging of the gunpla and the raffle drawing mostly in the Cult Yard (an area of the con devoted to art toys such as kid robot). I got to meet JC Rivera and check out some of his art; I actually bought one of this toys, it was just too cool to not buy.
There was so much there, so little time to talk about everything right now. Ill be posting pictures of the con this weekend along with some of my entries in the BlueFin Gunpla World Cup Contest. Until then you can go check out some video of the Con on a new friends page. StryderPrime is a fellow Gunpla painter who entered the contest along with me. I've been watching his videos on youtube for some time now so it was nice to meet him in person. I believe his day three video has a lot of shots of the Contest along with the winners but all his videos are great. So check it out! (Click: StryderPrime)
Ill leave you guys with a project I am currently working on...A little Autodesk 3D Max for you designer nerds out there. I'm currently in the process of learning the software and this is the first thing I have managed to pop out. Just spend the last 4-5 hours unwrapping the UV for textures. Good thing I bought a new toy to help with the process (Love me my Wacom Intuos4). Signing out for now but check in this weekend for more pictures.
I decided to do a quick model of a Qee. I think I nailed the design pretty well. Went into 3DMax knowing nothing and I'd say after about 10-15 hours in the program came out with that. Not bad considering 3DMax has a pretty large learning curve.
This is the old UV that I made (My first attempt at Unwrapping. The new one is much much better!
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